SSH - is the primary protocol and tool for the remote servers management. Also allows you to create tunnels and transfer files.

Connection to server

ssh [email protected]

Client Configuration

The SSH client can work without a configuration file and retrieve all the necessary parameters from command-line arguments. However, you may create a configuration file named ~/.ssh/config. This file should contain the following information:

Host server-alias
    User root
    Port 222
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/server_ed25519
  • Host - server name. This is the name used in the connection command: ssh server-alias
  • HostName - an optional server address. If HostName is not defined, the proper address or host name should be defined in Host
  • User - username
  • Port - the server port. Default: 22
  • IdentityFile - an optional field that specifies the full path to the private key file

Key Generation

For security reasons, it is strongly recommended to use authentication keys instead of passwords.

To generate an authentication key, run the following command:

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/server_ed25519
  • ed25519 - selects the type of encryption. Ed25519 is the optimal choice
  • ~/.ssh/server_ed25519 - the path to the private key file. The public key will be generated as ~/.ssh/

Once the command is started, it will prompt you to enter a password. This password provides an additional level of security and must be entered when connecting to the server.

The public key is a single line with the following format:

ssh-ed25519 AAAA...UUUU [email protected]

On the server, append this line to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This file may contain one or more keys. To append the public key, run the following command:

echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAA...UUUU [email protected]" >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy file to server

To copy files to the server, use the next command:

scp FILE
  • FILE - path to the file on the local computer
  • - server address
  • REMOTE - absolute path to the file on the server

Port Forwarding

To forward traffic from a remote server to a local computer, use the following command:

ssh -L 4000:
  • 4000 - the port number on the local computer with ssh client
  • - the IP address and port number on the remote computer
  • -fNT - additional options to run the SSH client in the background

For example, if the remote address is an IP camera with the stream address rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/stream1, SSH will forward all requests to port 4000 to this camera. Once the stream is started, it can be opened in VLC using the following URL: rtsp://admin:[email protected]:4000/stream1.