Integration Astra with InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open-source time series database.


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  1. Go to InfluxDB site:
  2. Choose latest version
  3. Choose your platform
  4. Launch commands from the instruction on the InfluxDB site

Find out more information on official site:

InfluxDB is an open-source time series database.

InfluxDB Configuration

Open the InfluxDB Admin interface at http://db-server:8086.

First, create a new bucket. A bucket serves as storage for all data received from Astra. You can find buckets in the left sidebar under the "Load Data" group. To create a new bucket:

  1. Click Create Bucket
  2. Set the bucket name, for example, astra
  3. Set data retention: in the Delete Data section, select Older than and choose 30 days or any other value you prefer.

The next step is to grant Astra access to the bucket. In the left sidebar under the Load Data group, open API Tokens:

  1. Click Generate API Token and choose Custom API Token.
  2. Set the token description as astra
  3. In the Bucket group, set Read and Write permissions for the astra bucket.
  4. Click Generate

Now, InfluxDB is configured and ready to receive data.

Astra Configuration

Open Settings -> General in the Astra Web Interface. Set options for InfluxDB configuration:

  • Instance Name - by the default is astra will be used as bucket in the InfluxDB
  • InfluxDB Address - address of the InfluxDB: http://db-server:8086
  • InfluxDB Organization - your orgranization in the InfluxDB settings
  • InfluxDB Token - paste your token generated on previous step
  • Click "Apply & Restart"

InfluxDB data structure


Measurement: stream


  • id - unique stream identifier
  • name - stream name


  • active - true if stream is active, or false if stream work on demand and inactive
  • onair - true if active input works without errors
  • sessions - uint, number of sessions
  • bitrate - uint, stream bitrate in KBit/s
  • sc_error - uint, percent of scrambled TS-packets
  • cc_error - uint, CC errors counter
  • pes_error - uint, percent of invalid PES-packets
  • sync_error - uint, HTTP/HLS sync errors


Measurement: adapter


  • id - unique adapter identifier
  • name - adapter name


  • lock - boolean, true if tuner has lock and able to receive data
  • signal - uint, approximate signal level in percent
  • signal_db - float, signal level in dBm
  • snr - uint, approximate signal to noise ratio in percent
  • snr_db - float, signal to noise ratio in dB
  • ber - uint, bit errors counter
  • unc - uint, block errors counter
  • bitrate - total bitrate in Kbit/s

System information

Measurement: sysinfo


  • la1 - float, load average for 1 minute
  • la5 - float, load average for 5 minutes
  • la15 - float, load average for 15 minutes
  • threads - uint, number of the threads
  • sys_cpu - uint, total CPU usage. Could be up to: 100 multiplied with the core numbers on all CPUs
  • app_cpu - uint, CPU usage by the process and all threads
  • sys_mem - uint, total RAM usage
  • app_mem - uint, RAM usage by the process and all threads
  • app_mem_kb - uint, RAM usage by the process and all threads in kilobytes
  • sys_uptime - uint, total system uptime in seconds
  • app_uptime - uint, process uptime in seconds