Users API

Users used to control access to the Astra Web Interface as well as access to the HTTP MPEG-TS and HLS outputs

User configuration

    "enable": true,
    "type": 0,
    "comment": "...",

    "token": "...",
    "ip": "...",
    "expire": 0,
    "conlimit": 0
  • enable – enabled account or not
  • type – user type
    • 1 - admin. full access to the Astra Web Interface
    • 2 - observer. read only access to the Astra Web Interface
    • 3 - regular user. without access to the Astra Web Interface
  • comment - optional field, for user description

Optional fields for buil-in authorization to access HLS or HTTP MPEG-TS channels:

  • token - token used in HTTP requests. For example: http://server:8000/play/a001/index.m3u8?token=secret
  • ip - allow access to the channels by the client IP address
  • expire - date in unix timestamp format, when access to channels will be restricted
  • connlimit - limit connections to channels

Get user

Request: POST /control/

    "cmd": "get-user",
    "id": "..."
  • id - user login

In response will be JSON with user configuration

Create or update user

Request: POST /control/

    "cmd": "set-user",
    "id": "...",
    "user": {
        "enable": true,
        "type": 0,
        "password": "..."
  • id – user login
  • user - user configuration
  • password - plain password, in the config will be saved the password hash
ExampleYou may create new user by launching next command:
curl -X POST -user login -d @- http://server:8000/control/ <<END
  "cmd": "set-user",
  "id": "new-admin",
  "user": {
    "enable": true,
    "type": 1,
    "password": "secret"
on successful Astra returns:
{ "set-user": "ok" }

Remove user

Request: POST /control/

    "cmd": "set-user",
    "id": "...",
    "user": {
        "remove": true

Toggle user

Request: POST /control/

Turn user on or off:

    "cmd": "toggle-user",
    "id": "..."
  • id - user login
ExampleYou may enable or disable user by launching next command:
curl \
    -X POST \
    -user login \
    -d '{"cmd":"toggle-user", "id":"login"}' \
on successful Astra returns:
{ "toggle-user": "ok" }