Middleware generates an unique token for every channel with crypto algorithms and with securetoken. To the each channel address Middleware appends information when access granted, expiration time, and token to validate provided data.
Astra uses same crypto algorithms and same securetoken to verify provided data and grant access to the channel.
Temporary token calculated by the middleware on the server side when client requests playlist. Token contains next parts:
All parts should be separated by minus sign and addedd to the channels address. For example: https://example.com:8100/tv/travel-channel/index.m3u8?token=e8bff06f373694dda657e8417fe76f6b54b69807-a5cd6c00-1669890000-1669810000
Hash should be calculated on middleware with SHA1 algorithm from string concatenated from next parts:
Create a file securetoken.php
with the following code:
$channel_path = '/tv/travel-channel/index.m3u8';
$channel_id = 'travel-channel';
$client_ip = '';
$starttime = time() - 60;
$endtime = $starttime + 3600;
$securetoken = 'secret';
$salt = bin2hex(random_bytes(4));
$hash = sha1($channel_id . $client_ip . $starttime . $endtime . $securetoken . $salt);
$token = $hash . '-' . $salt . '-' . $endtime . '-' . $starttime;
echo 'https://example.com:8100' . $channel_path . '?token=' . $token . PHP_EOL;
Launch script:
php securetoken.php
You will see line from the first example. Please, note, this script only for example.