DigitalDevices Driver Installation

DigitalDevices is a hardware manufacturer specialized on DVB devices: tuners, modulators.

Auto Installation

You can install driver in automatically mode or manually. To install driver automatically run in console:

curl -sSf | sh

After server restart, check if the driver has been installed correctly.

Manual Installation

Prepare system

To install drivers needed root privileges:

sudo -s

Install system utilities to build drivers from the source code:

apt -y install \
    build-essential \
    patchutils \
    libproc-processtable-perl \
    linux-headers-$(uname -r) \

Remove old media drivers:

rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra
rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media
rm -rf /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/staging/media


Download latest driver from the official repository:

git clone -b 0.9.37 --depth=1 /usr/src/dddvb

Build drivers and install it:

cd /usr/src/dddvb
make install

Update dirver dependencies:

mkdir -p /etc/depmod.d
echo 'search extra updates built-in' | tee /etc/depmod.d/extra.conf
depmod -a

Create driver configuration for DigitalDevices MaxS8:

echo 'options ddbridge fmode=0' | tee /etc/modprobe.d/ddbridge.conf

For MaxS8 available next fmode values instead of 0:

  • fmode=0 - 4 tuner mode (internal multiswitch disabled)
  • fmode=1 - Quad LNB / normal outputs of multiswitches
  • fmode=2 - Quattro - LNB / cascade outputs of multiswitches
  • fmode=3 - Unicable LNB or JESS / Unicabel output of the multiswitch

Restart System

To launch installed drivers restart your system:

shutdown -r now

After server restart, check if the driver has been installed correctly.

Check Driver

To check if the driver has been installed correctly, list adapters in the dvb directory:

ls /dev/dvb

Should be listed all adapters installed in the system. For example:

adapter0 adapter1 adapter2 adapter3 ...


If you have any issues with your DVB Adapters, please check DVB Troubleshooting